Preparing for The Great Loop!

It has been a bit overwhelming to think about and prepare for what is next.  We have decided to embark on a “Bucket List” adventure.  We have been members of the AGLCA – America’s Great Loop Cruiser’s Association – for over a year now.  We have been inspired by friends and members to go for it!  Think for a minute…. how do you prepare to live on your boat for 8-9 months?  While traveling over 5600 miles around the eastern U.S. and Canada?  And not feel like you’re camping the whole time?  I’ve made so many lists of things to do, it’s crazy!

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America’s Great Loop!

📣 UPDATE!:  It’s March 2021, and we are going to go around again!  YES, for reals! 😃.  WHY NOT!? 🛥 🌀
When we started out on our first loop in 2018, we flew a white AGLCA burgee on our bow, indicating that we had not yet completed the loop.  When we “crossed our wake” (got back to our starting point, loop completed), we switched out to fly a gold burgee indicating we’d completed the loop once.  We proudly fly it now.  The next time we cross our wake, which we think will be around the end of November 2021, we’ll earn a Platinum burgee.  So, this time around we are considered Gold Loopers, and this loop trip is actually referred to doing our Platinum Loop.  Just sharing some inside lingo with you.  😉
Below is an explanation of what the Loop is.  See our first blog entry for our Platinum loop to see what we have planned!


2018:  We had been himing and hawing about whether we should embark on this boat journey called The Great Loop.  It has been on Kenny’s bucket list for several years, but in really thinking about it, neither of us were just passionately dying about doing it.  What is it?  It is a journey around the eastern United States, by boat! Here’s the map:

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