Day 15 & 16~ Hot Well Dunes

Wed 3/16-We got up and moving early enough so that we could be to the DMV office by 8:00. We went in and right to the same gal that helped us yesterday, and she got us all fixed up. YAY! So now Kawi has a temporary Arizona plate! Mission accomplished, so back to the RV park to get hooked up, loaded up, and on our way.
This is Mt. Graham, rising nearly 8,000’ above the town of Safford. It is really interesting to see snow in the desert, and the gal referred to the snow, saying it’ll be gone in the next couple of weeks. It was kind of neat to hear her say that, which made me realized that the mountain is very much a part of this community.

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Day 13&14 -Yes, the wind blows in the desert

..ALL THE TIME, I think!

Monday 3/14/22- We got up before 8:00 to go check with the office about staying tonight. If we have to leave, we will need all morning to get our chores done. Kenny unhooked the propane tanks so that we could go get them filled in town, and he said that both Tank 1 and Tank 2 were at least half full! And we haven’t touched Tank 3. Really? He said it would be silly to take them. Wow! Neither of us can believe how little we used on the several nights that were under 25 degrees outside!! That’s great!! So no propane tanks to fill. We still need to hit a gas station to fill up Henry with diesel and all four of our 5 gallon gas tanks that Kawi and Jenny (the generator) share. Then we need to hit a grocery store to restock perishables – like bread.

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Day 11 & 12 – Lincoln National Forest

Sat 3/12 – We had two days of fantastic riding through a variety of different kinds of terrain! We loved being out here in the ‘forest’, even though we were all by ourselves. We’ve had a great time dry camping, and have really enjoyed it more than we thought we would. I just wish it was a tiny bit warmer and less windy so that we could have enjoyed sitting outside.
On day one, we set out for adventure. I planned a route on our OnX app (that I had to run on my phone, because once again, we need wi-fi to download any maps or anything with Sammy the Samsung tablet). Here is the entrance to our route, and one of at least a dozen cattle gates that “gate-girl” (me) had to open and close. They were all different, from this pole and wire type, to ones with sticks holding the barbed wire to real aluminum tube gates.

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Day 10 – yes, it snows in the desert

3/11/22-Last night we had a really big windstorm. It started to rock the trailer about 7:00pm , and didn’t die down until after 11:00. I don’t know how hard it was blowing here in the desert, northwest of Carlsbad NM, but the report from Carlsbad was a peak of 44mph! 🌬 We did not see that coming, and it wasn’t in any of the forecasts! However, a 40% chance of snow this morning was in the forecast, and yes…. we got it. Just a light dusting, and it was down to 22 degrees last night! We ran the generator with the electric heat in the evening, and it was having a hard time getting/keeping the temperature above about 62. We switched to the propane heat when we went to bed. It would run for about 3 minutes at a time, and kept it about 54 degrees in here. We had it set low to try to save propane, not knowing how much it actually burns. Then it’d be off for about 3-5 minutes, then come on again. So it seemed like it was spending a lot of energy just heating back up again. 🧐. Hmm. Maybe we just need to let it run longer and be warmer. We were both chilly last night, probably because the wind kept robbing our heat! Kawi said he does not like snow, he does not like cold, said Sam-I-Am. (not a good picture taken through the screen)

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Day 8&9 – Hackberry OHV

Wed 3/9: We set the propane furnace to keep us just under 60 degrees inside last night, and we stayed nice and warm. However, propane tank #1 ran out of juice around 3:00 in the morning and it got a bit chilly, so Kenny had to get dressed and go out to switch the tank over to tank #2. We’ve been using tank #1 since we bought Limbo, so we don’t really know how much was in it at the beginning of the night. In any case, he decided that he would take a trip into town to fill tank #1, and purchase tank #3 to have as a spare. They are 4 gallon tanks?. We’ll set the thermostat a little lower tonight to try to conserve. We just need it to keep the frost off our noses, right? Oh! And by about 11:00am, our little solar panel had already charged our batteries back up to full!! That’s sweet!!

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Day 7- New Mexico

3/8/22-Tuesday was a VERY LONG DAY! It was just over 400 miles, thankfully not as much wind as yesterday, but a long day. It started out lovely, with a home cooked breakfast of eggs, sausage and toast. 😋 We enjoyed the morning, but had to hug goodbye, and we hit the road around 10:00. The Google said our route would take us just under seven hours. I had a non-interstate route all figured out, so we had to weave our way through the country side to get to the highway that would take us west. It was still cold, and we had a bit of GRAUPEL. Huh? 🤔. Yep – it’s a thing that Steve told us about. It is tiny frozen snow! It isn’t hail, but much smaller, softer, and easier to crunch, yet it is pellets and they bounce like hail. It isn’t sleet, which is clear frozen rain drops. Graupel is white, like tiny styrofoam pellets. Huh! Who knew? Well, we had some as we drove along. I told you it was cold!

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Day 6 – Cousin Time in Texas

3/7/22 Monday: Woah! So, last night it was 78 degrees inside when we went to bed, so I had windows open and a fan running. Sometime in the darkness of night, we had a few wind gusts that woke me up and I was rolled up in a ball like a hedgehog trying to stay warm. I got up and closed the windows, and put on another blanket. I tried not to move so that I wouldn’t touch any of the cold spots in the bed. I was awake again as it was just starting to get light, and I realized that it was really chilly and I knew that I really hadn’t been sleeping much. Durrrrr! 🤦🏼‍♀️Get up and turn on the heat, you goofball! Yep – it was only 52 degrees inside, and 41 outside. And we were plugged into power, so just turn on the electric heat! I did, and snuggled back into the blankies until it warmed up a bit.

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Day 4,5: Alabippi and Texiana

3/5/22- Today was nearly a 400 mile day, so we got going before 9:00. We’ve learned that camping people don’t break camp at the crack of dawn like boaters do, so we don’t want to disturb the peace too early. Besides, if we get to our destination too early, our spot might not be open, so we are slowly learning this land way of life. We did have to pull out of our spot and completely block the road to get Kawi loaded. Wouldn’t you know it, a truck came into the campground and had to wait for us. I think it was probably somebody from the campground like me yesterday, who just bopped over to the visitor’s center to get cave tour tickets. Anyway, we quickly loaded Kawi up and only put on the back tie-down straps and closed the back door to get out of the way. Then we pulled around to a wide spot in the road, opened the trailer back up again and finished strapping him in. We use two straps in back, two in front, plus over-tire straps on the front tires. Kenny likes the tire straps to take the most load so that Kawi’s suspension isn’t smashed flat all the time. It’s probably overkill, but at least we know he isn’t jumping around and having a dance party back there while we drive down the highway. And it’s good that we have some kinda procedure and can do things sorta quick in a pinch if we have to. So out of Florida, and we were into Alabama by 11:00.

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Day 1-3: Discovering Florida

3/2/22: With our route all planned out, and camping reservations made for the next week, we knew we weren’t going super far on day one. This was intentional, since we needed to load all the last minute stuff, do the final house check to be gone for several weeks, and get the trailer all hooked up to go. As one of the guys on my favorite off-road TV show (Dirt Every Day) says, “Let’s Peel Out!” And yes, Henry does peel out because he has a zillion pounds of torque, but I give Kenny the “mom look” when he does it. 🤨 I think we pulled out onto the road around 11:00, and even at that, I had to text our neighbor and ask them to please turn our water off. Oops! 🤷‍♀️. Oh well. If that’s all we forgot, we’re doing good. We’ll be back in a month or so when it’s time to take Island Girl to Fort Lauderdale for her Panama Canal cruise.

Kenny said that Henry is really easy to drive. The Ford 10 speed Super Duty diesel doesn’t downshift every time we go over an overpass or up a slight incline, nor does it get blown around by big trucks like Mr. Lincoln did. Henry is like a sled dog. He likes to go and do his job! (Pipe in sound effects *URR-URR-URR* from Tim the Toolman.)

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