10/5/23- A top roadside attraction!

Thursday: We were up and attum at about our usual time to get Nitro hooked up and Kawi loaded in, and on the road.  Today was a 350 mile kind of day, with stops to pump out holding tanks, fill up water and diesel.  I have a couple of apps that show places to do these kinds of things, and wouldn’t you know it that a rest area on I-90 had a RV poop-out and fresh potable water – for free!  Super easy.  

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10/3/23: Enjoying the Black Hills

10/2-Monday: We didn’t hurry out to go riding since it was only about 48 degrees this morning. We slept fine and kept warm with the propane furnace set at about 60 degrees. While I was enjoying my coffee prepared in my stove-top percolator, I watched a parade of turkeys go by! They were just out grazing and meandered right along. As I was watching out the window, there was one in the back that turned around and came towards Nitro, checking ME out! HA! I love camping in the forest. Don’t these guys know that they’re going to be the centerpiece of Thanksgiving dinners all across America in just about seven weeks?

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10/1/23 Away to South Dakota

Saturday 9/30 was a looong driving day. It was all I-90, for 350 miles from the Caverns to Buffalo Wyoming. The scenery was pretty and there was a lot of uppy-downy mountain hills. Not like the passes in “DAHO” or western Montana, but enough that we’re glad we aren’t here in the snow for all the ‘chains required’ sections. At least traffic was light and it was sunny, so it was a pleasant drive.

Last night while working on the blog, I could not get it to save my work. GRRR. We have pretty good cell service now, so I’ve been trying to get caught up and then I had to research and try to figure out why it won’t save. I’m SOO not techie, so when I find stuff that says to check the abc file or the xyz interface or the lmnop thingamajig, I’m lost. But while I was trying to see if anything would save, I tried updating an old page. That bombed. I created a new page and it saved!. I tried adding new content to the new page, and Bomb. WHY?! I figured out that emoji’s seemed to be the problem. I tried deleting all of my emotion, and it worked. So now I can’t write with any cute emotion. 🙁 I guess I’ll have to write better so you can figure out when I’m shrugging my shoulders. ^^ Sheeesh!

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9/29/23 Lewis and Clark Caverns

9/29/23 – Friday:  Last night’s low was 39 degrees.  We have two little electric heaters that we set up and they did good at keeping us at a nice pleasant 65 degrees all night.  And we didn’t even have to use our propane!  We have really sketchy cell service here, so I’ve been writing this in “NOTES” without the pictures, so hopefully I insert the right pictures in the right places when I finally have a chance to copy this into the blog.

I couldn’t find any tour times for the cave tours, so we left camp at about 10:30 to go up to the visitor’s center and get the scoop.  

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9/27/23 Time to Fall to the South

9/27/23 Wednesday:  We did the final touches on putting Island Girl to bed for the winter.  It’s hard to leave her for SEVEN months!  But really I guess it’s only three, since we’ll be here for a few days around Christmas.  Then another four months before we’re back in the spring for another summer filled with land and sea adventures.  

Kenny checked all the systems while I checked all of the interior.  I like to make sure there is nothing touching the hull, like blankets, pillows or clothes than can get damp.  I set a fan to run on a timer for three hours every morning down in the bedroom to circulate air.  That is the lowest place where condensation would settle.  We set the three little built-in electric heaters as low as they’ll go, which says is 45 degrees.   I don’t know what temperature they really come on at, but our power bills from last winter weren’t bad at all, and nothing was damp when we returned to her.  We made the final loads of stuff out, locked her up, and said good-bye. 

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