Shipping saga, part 2:

I forgot to mention in part one that we HAVE a marina in Washington for Island Girl to live! Yes! Remember, we put our names on three different waitlists at Christmas, and had our fingers crossed that we’d have something come available by May. In mid January we got calls from two of the three marina within two days, saying they had a spot for us! The first call came from our first choice, so we took it! They actually had two slips available, so we got to choose. We picked the one that would be easiest to get into given the prevailing wind, current and approach. WHEW! Then, as it turned out, I was going up to Washington the first week of February to meet our newest grandson, so I was able to go sign papers, see the slip, and give Kenny a video-chat tour. At the marina, there is only one gangway from shore to the docks, and our slip was on the very farthest dock away! Oh well – it was such a relief to have a spot! I guess we could have taken the February shipping date with Cross Chartering after all!

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The shipping saga

Waaaay back in what, September?, we contracted with Cross Chartering Yacht Transport (CCYT) to ship our Island Girl from Florida to the Pacific Northwest. The actual route is Port Everglades (Fort Lauderdale) to Victoria British Columbia. We’ll be sending her on a Panama Canal Cruise!! Our contract was for shipping her in April. We wouldn’t know the actual date in April until much closer to the time, depending upon when they are able to get a ship contracted for the cargo and route. We paid 25% down, non-refundable, so we were locked in. Here is a map of the usual path the ships take: from Port Everglades, through the Panama Canal, stopping in Golfito Costa Rica, La Paz Mexico, Ensenada Mexico, then to Victoria British Columbia. Island Girl will get to see some great places!

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