Day 36: Back on the Waa-ter again

4/17/18:  Captain said that when he read yesterday’s blog, he could tell I didn’t feel good.  He called me a Debbie-downer.😳😧.   He says – “you usually make light of not-so-fun situations, but you sounded kind of Eyore-ish”.  HA!  That made me laugh.  For forever and a day, he has been Eyore, and I have been Tigger.  Oops – I was apparently doing a switcheroo, and that weirded him out.  🙃  He doesn’t really know how to Tigger.  So I guess I better get back into my normal role.  I do feel better, but it sure is a slow process to get one’s head and face to be clear of all this crud!  Yesterday I was all stuffed up, then today my eyes and nose were dripping all day long!  So to clarify yesterday’s tone, living on the boat and being a CLOD was really a blessing to save us motel $$, and not a bad experience at all!  And Zimmerman Marine and Southport Marina have been nothing but outstanding with their customer service, friendliness  and help.  So, I’m sorry if yesterday sounded like Eyore was writing.

This morning, first thing even before a run to the potty station, Steve came by and said the boat lift would be picking up Island Girl to take her back to the water.  They wanted to get her in with some good tide water, since there would be a minus tide in the early afternoon.  Alrighty then!  We’d get her in the water, and go dock her next to Sum Escape for at least one night, so that the shafts and everything would have a chance to settle out before they finalize the engine alignment.  The sun was hardly even up yet…..  but splash we go!

Engines start, props go round and round… all a good sign.  But before we tootled over to the slip, we made a little stop at a rest area.  We needed to empty the holding tank, please.  So we made a quick stop at the fuel dock for a pump out.  Had to apologize to Steve and neighbor Tom for taking so long to get to our slip, as they waited patiently to help catch lines for us.  Priorities, you know!?

All tucked into our slip – ahhh.  It’s good to be floating again.  It’s still chilly wear-a-fuzzy kind of weather, but in this particular spot, our bow is west to the wind, and stern is east to the sun.  It’s a lovely morning with coffee-on-the-patio spot!

Now that the repair details are taken care of, we went for a walkabout Southport town.  There are lots of homes dating back to the mid-1800’s.

This one is pretty narrow looking at the street front, but look how far back it goes!

These aren’t really the plantation southern style home that we’ve seen in other towns, but all very attractive homes.   They don’t look as “historic” as some towns – I don’t know if its the style or that they maybe have different restoration rules.

Several movies and TV shows have been filmed in Southport.  One big movie was “Safe Haven”, from a Nicolas Sparks book.  The museum in town has a big giant display all about it.  Our AGLCA Harbor Hosts (Robert & Kay) live across the street from the old town dock and yacht basin where they keep their 43’ boat.  They have actually been paid to move their boat to make a clear scene several times for different productions.  It was fun listening to Robert talk about all of the production crews and so on that they’ve had experience with over the years.

This is the police station.  Complete southern hospitality to welcome you, including rocking chairs on the porch!

This was the Southport school way back when.

And of course, a pretty old church.  Double meaning there… it is pretty AND it is old.

We had docktails with several loopers that just came into Southport today – folks that we met way back in Georgia.  There was a bunch of loopers that left this morning, and a whole new flotilla came in today.  That’s what happens when you get a good travel day finally.  Everybody moves!  (Except the few of us who are dealing with repair issues.). And then Julie & Tom invited us next door (Sum Escape) for some bourbon tasting.   Tom had some McKenna’s and some Woodford Reserve.  Oooh baby – Captain liked that Woodford Reserve, served “neat” (in a glass with no ice or anything else).  I created a whole new world of taste for Kenny when I insisted we go bourbon distillery touring and tasting in Kentucky last summer!  😏

Tomorrow – we’re motoring on!  Each night during this time of year, the Southport Marina hosts a northbound route briefing.  It is really well done, and provides a whole bunch of information about the 300 miles from here to Norfolk Virginia, as well as a very detailed weather forecast.  It is really nice to get intel about what to watch for, how the tides and winds will affect the various bodies of water, and get a variety of resources for the journey.  Thank you Southport Marina and Zimmerman Marine for taking such good care of us.

One thought on “Day 36: Back on the Waa-ter again

  • April 19, 2018 at 7:03 am

    Great to see you two back on the water! Island Girl is making fast progress. Enjoy your safe cruise!


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