Day 132: Plan D

7/22/18:  The worst thing to have on a boat, is a schedule.  Always be flexible in case Plan D is needed.  I’m so thankful that our friends are Pacific Northwest boaters, and they completely understand that!

Rick and I were both up and hanging out and ready for instructions from the Captain before 8:00.  We didn’t want to fix coffee yet, because the batteries were down a bit.  We’d wait for Captain to get up, then we’d start the Genny and have some coffee.  Rocky came up soon, and we all just chilled out.  I played with my pictures and blog, and they caught up with stuff on their phones.  Fortunately we all have pretty good cell service here in Wani Bay.  We could hear Kenny rumbling around downstairs and expected him to be up and ready to go at any moment.  He didn’t come up, so I went to see what was up.  Up, he was not.  Back under the covers, curled up in bed, was he.  Uh Oh.  He was not feeling good.  OK – no problem for this crew.  We started the Genny and had coffee, and shifted gears from being ready to move, to settling back and chillaxin on a drizzly day.  Rick & Rocky played card games.  They are just a teensy bit competitive, so it was game-on to see who could win the trifecta of three rounds of three different games.

We watched it rain, and watched the shore get a little closer as we swung a bit on the anchor with the more northerly wind.  I think it was probably a lot windier outside of this bay, so we were fine just to stay right here.  Of the 18 boats that were here last night, I think over the course of the day, 12 of them left, and we got 3 new ones.  We never got close enough to the shore to worry about needing to move, which was good.  To take a line from the movie Princess Bride, Captain was ‘mostly dead most of the day’.  I took him some milk and toast, and let him snooze.  He did finally make his way upstairs early afternoon, but he felt like he had vertigo or something.  He was really dizzy whenever he was upright.  While we had Genny running, I made some monkey balls.  It’s like monkey bread, only in a muffin pan.  These caramely goodies didn’t last long.  Something about fresh baked goodness on a rainy day, just makes sense.

We all enjoyed a couple of movies – Despicable Me 2, and American Graffiti.  And you ask why our dinghy is named Stuart?  Minions are such goofballs!

Captain kept a pretty low profile, but he slowly nursed back to health.  WHEW!

Rick and I tried to get both of our butts into my one-butt galley.  We cleaned some stuff out of the fridge and had really good spaghetti, salad, and parmesan baked bread – complete with wine and nice flamenco style dinner music.

It did rain off and on all day, and it was windy.  Tomorrow is another rainy day, although maybe it won’t be as windy as the last two days.  We’ll try Plan A, B, or C tomorrow.  It does look like thunderousboomus is in the forecast for tomorrow afternoon & evening, so a marina would be good.   I hope the bad weather doesn’t stay long – we still have some cool places to see before our buddies have to go back home!

Now to gross you out.  There are a lot of spiders in Canada!  They show up from out of nowhere!  I think they just fly around in the breeze, and land where ever the forces of evil take them.  I’m serious!  They didn’t just crawl onto the boat.  I’m telling you – Island Girl hasn’t touched a dock or anything connected to land for four days!  Yet more and more spiders keep popping up in all of their nasty, crawly, creepyness.  I swear they are airborne villains – it is like a big nasty Giant sneezed and blew spiders out his nose, and they spread like germs everywhere!  There simply is no other explanation.  And they come is all sizes, from itty bitty gant size, to ginormous ugly size.  And don’t try any Charlotte’s Web psychology stuff on me.  Spiders are evil.  That’s all there is to it.   This was my view out the side window tonight as I watched the sunset.  EEEWWW!  I sure hope there aren’t any cracks around our window screens!

Here is what we have to look forward to.  At least today was a nice cool temperature while it rained.  And there is more rain on its way.

One thought on “Day 132: Plan D

  • July 24, 2018 at 1:49 am

    You ain’t alone with spider issues. Been using “bio-sensitive” (whatever that means) bug spray. We pay big bucks to have the annual wash and wax, then the mini-beasts arrive and leave their hard to wash off droppings. It seems to be under control now on Lake WA with a spray application once a week for a while. We empathize with you.


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