Days 144,145: Island Jamm and Sea Girl at Croker

8/3/18:  Bayliners UNITE!

Why is it that about every other day, the boat is just covered with these crazy bugs!?  They don’t fly well, they are sluggish, and they are so fragile that they die if you look at them wrong.  Kenny looked them up.  They are mayflies.  They all seem to be the same size, like an inch long or so.  There doesn’t seem to be smaller baby ones.  Maybe they all hatch at this size, mate, and die?  I don’t know – but between these and a zillion dead gnats all over the boat, we have a pile of bugs to wash off!  And I just did that yesterday!

SeaJamm arrived around 11:00, and found us by locating us on AIS.  That worked out great!  They came into the cove, and Alan was up on the bow, while Sherry backed them in!  She had never done this before, and she did awesome!  They have hands-free headsets, so Alan directed and she did all the driving while he did the anchor.  I’m so proud of her!  Kenny was standing by ready to help.  He had already run a second line to shore, so they just needed to drop their anchor, back in next to us and tie off!

They got all situated in no time!  Check out these two looper flags!  SeaJamm is a Bayliner 4788, so we were the “Bayliner corner” of the cove.  😁

It didn’t take long before Sherry and I were out in their inflatable kayaks paddling around the cove.

And then floating around in our floaties off the stern of the boat.

Then she & I took Stuart to shore and hiked up the rocks for some great pictures.

Isn’t this just a beautiful spot?!  Kenny was glad to have Sherry around to keep me entertained.  Then he didn’t have to be the one to go climb rocks and paddle around with me!

After grilling steaks and burgers for dinner, we played a card game that is similar to Scrabble.  It took a lot of brain power, but it was fun!

Then we all went out in Stuart for sunset.  We climbed up on the rock at the entrance of our cove, and watched a beautiful ending to a wonderful day!

We found a variety of claws on the rocks.  Crab?  In fresh water?  I don’t know, but Alan was the goofball this time.

My cute friend, Sherry, with our boats in the background.


8/4/18:  No mayflies today, just a pile of gnats on the bow.  I think they are attracted to the anchor light, then die all over the place.    It was a beautiful, peaceful, calm morning!  Just look at this water!

Kenny wanted to run the generator awhile this morning to help charge up the batteries after being here for two nights. So while Genny was running, the chef whipped up some biscuits and gravy!  For real, from scratch!  The captain was oh-so-happy about that!  (Made with white flour this time – much better than last attempt with wheat flour!)

And the day was much like yesterday… kayaking, climbing up the rocks, floating.

Except today, while we were all sitting around on the back of the boats, we saw a little noggin swimming by, near the rocky shore.  I got out my binocs.  HOLY SLITHERIN!  Yes – it was a snake!! .. I saw his tongue doing that snake tongue flicking thing.  AGHHH!  We saw it go into a crevice underneath a dinghy that was parked on the rocks.  EEEK!  Then, when Sherry & I were climbing around on the rocks to see the other side, she saw a bright green snake about a foot long.  We made lots of noise as we walked on the rocks.  We sure didn’t want to surprise a rattlesnake!  Later when I was sitting on the swimstep, there was a tiny squiggly worm looking thing right by my legs.  Noooo!  It looked like a 2” worm, but kept bobbing up to the surface.  I’m sure it was a tiny water snake.  Holy reptiles, Batman!  This was snake day.  We saw another one (or the same one) swim along the rocks.  OK – maybe we’re done swimming in the North Channel.  Kenny looked them all up on the computer later.  The only thing that will hurt is a rattlesnake.  The rest are not dangerous.  But apparently the water snake is curious and not necessarily afraid.  Oh great!  Yep – I think I’m done swimming for awhile.   This was the view toward the Benjamins today.  It was a pretty calm day out there.  Look at the pink in the rocks here.  Pink quartz or granite was really unusual.

Surprisingly, Thursday was the most crowded day in this cove with a dozen boats, I think.  Saturday was the least crowded with only about seven! We had such a great time rafting up with SeaJamm!  Tonight, both boats had tacos for dinner, and we ate at SeaJamm’s big fold-out table.  Then we introduced the dice game of Farkle to them, and played one round of dice to 10,000.  You don’t have to think as hard with dice as you do with spelling words!  It was a good time, and Sherry won!

Tomorrow we will separate again.  They plan to go to Gore Bay, and we plan to go to Kagawong.  But that is how we like to do our loop – go where we want to go to see what we want to see, and meet up when it works.  We sure enjoy Alan and Sherry – they are the nicest, easy going, fun loving people.

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