Day 243: A down day at Dog River

11/10/18 Saturday:  There were just a few things on the agenda today.  The electrical crew got busy working on the fly bridge VHF radio.  It has been extremely noisy and static-y, particularly on channel 16.  Kenny figured it was some kind of ground or wiring issue because there seemed to be interference between it and the auto pilot.  HUH?  There has been something weird going on with it for a week or so.  And for the last couple of days, people have not been able to hear or understand him very easily when he talks on it, saying his voice is all muffled.  So he got up there and did some magic, and we’ll see if it performs better.

The wind continued to blow and waves continued to slap against the hull.  We turned on the heat and put on long sleeves.

In fact, we got free long sleeve t-shirts from the marina with our coupons from the Looper Rendezvous!

I went to the marina laundry room and did a load of clothes.  On my way, I spied these fellas on a boat.  May the force be with you!

Wayne assumed the duty of Chief Pest Control Officer.  He is armed and dangerous!

It was pretty much just a lazy day… warm in the sunshine, but cold in the wind.  The marina courtesy car was busy all day, so we pretty much just hung out at the boat.  We did take a walk over to the Mobile Yacht Club, thinking we might go there for dinner.  It’s the only place around that we can walk to.  It was nice inside and we checked out the menu.  We’ll see.

Here in Mobile, there is only one tidal up and down cycle per day.  A couple of times a month, it stays almost flat with no change in 24 hours.

Today, high tide was about midnight, at 1.8 feet, and low tide was about zero at 10:30am.   The tide was only supposed to go out less than 2 feet,  but we’re thinking that the wind blew a bunch of water out of this harbor, because it was a really big step up to the dock today.  Yesterday when we docked, the dock was even with the gunwale on the boat.  Today, I had to crawl up to the dock, by putting my hands and one knee up on the dock, then stand up to get up there!  And the boats that went stern-in to the slips, like Bay Tripper, had their props sitting in the mud today.  😳  They couldn’t leave today if they wanted to.

We did a few things that remind us that we’ll be home soon.  Like put in our change of address with the post office (and a 30 day hold) so that our mail will start going back to our home in Florida.  It seems strange that this long adventurous journey is almost over.

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