Day 25-Chores

Tuesday, April 13, 2021.
Weather: Temp: 78/59, Humidity: 76/35%, Top Wind: NE10 mph, Precip: none, Miles Traveled:over 6,500 steps


Exactly what it says. It was chore day for the Island Girl crew. The weather was nice – not too hot or humid, so it was a good day to catch up on things. We could have the doors and windows open for a breeze and it was nice. Mechanic changed the fuel filters and washed the boat. She no longer has her chocolate moostache! Would you look at that!!! (Yes – we have fenders down on the open slip side on purpose, just in case a boat comes in next to us. Better safe than sorry!)

I did some inside boat cleaning, and then around 1:00, Kim – our AGLCA director, came by to drop off our new credit card and some prescription medicines that we had sent to her. When our credit card got hacked and we had a new one issued, we didn’t want it to just go to a marina and sit around. Thankfully, Kim is awesome and took care of us with a smile, and we had a nice little visit with her. She is such a great asset to the AGLCA organization. 👍

I did a couple loads of laundry at the marina laundry room and then I hoofed it to the grocery store. I was mostly looking for a chamois kind of cloth for wiping down the dewy windows in the mornings, and the only thing around here is a Publix. On the way off the dock, I took a picture of the plough mud. It’s a South Carolina thang, and I think it can be pronounced pluff, or plow. It looks really fluffy, like mousse. It has something to do with the decomposition of the grasses that grow here. Kenny was reading up on it: the slippery, shiny brown-gray, sucky mud, with a distinctive smell like none other, of the tidal flats and spartina grass salt marshes.   Unpredictable in its sucking power, when you step in it, you could sink up to your ankles, or up to your knees, or even to your hips. And you may not get your shoes back.   I really haven’t noticed a smell, but maybe because I grew up around Puget Sound and the smell of salt water beaches and tide flats is somewhere in my “normal” sense of smells. ? 🤷‍♀️. Oh! But walking around last night, the smells of jasmine or some other beautiful aroma captured my soul! It was delightful!

My walk to the store resulted in a backpack full of stuff. Well – you never know when you’re going to need french dip sandwiches, or pecan rolls, or grapes, or eggs, or caramel and apples, or …. right? No chamois cloth. But! When I was looking for something that would work, I suddenly remembered that I have a shammy kind of small towel for swimming and scuba diving. I wondered if it was still on board Island Girl. 🤔 It would work! When I got back from my 6500 step journey, voila! I found my towel! That will make my mornings much easier! And guess who I found exhausted inside the boat…. a pooped out swab.

But he does awesome work – Island Girl looks great!

We had a really pretty sunset, and then we figured out our day for tomorrow. There will be just a few tricky spots, but nothing terrible. If we leave here by 8 or 9:00, the current shouldn’t be ripping with an incoming tide, so getting out of our slip without an insurance claim should be do-able. Then as we move north, we’ll hit the tricky spots with positive tide of 3-4 feet. The farther north we go, the less swing in the tide! Figure that out! Further south we had 6-7’ tides. Now we have 3-4’ tides. Weird.

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