Day 62-How fast things change!

Thursday May 20, 2021.
Temp: 89/63, Humidity: 27/81%, Top Wind: SE20! mph, Precip-none, Miles Traveled: 7 on bikes


What a nice relaxing beautiful morning! I wandered up to the pool for a picture, and it looks like we’re in the tropics with all their pretty landscaping. And yes – they even have a palm tree here in Maryland! Kenny checks the local weather every morning when he gets up to see what kind of clothes he should put on. The days all blend together and sometimes we just forget where we are and whats going on! He told me there was a small craft advisory this afternoon from 3-10pm. Really?? Weird! I had not noticed, although I knew we weren’t moving today, so I didn’t really look at the wind part of the forecast. Huh! Who knew?!

The pool was clear, cool, and inviting. And the forecast I looked at said it was supposed to get pretty warm today. But, I wanted to make a run to the grocery store to pick up some things, so we got the bikes down for some motorin’. It wasn’t a terrible job this time, since the docks are so high. Right when we were doing that, a nice Carver 450 named Boyle-n-Water came in and docked right behind us, stern to stern. We’ve had our eyes on this model boat because it is a pilothouse… thinking it would be a super swell boat to have in the Pacific Northwest … someday…maybe. We introduced ourselves, and I told Mr Pat Boyle that we’d been coveting his boat from afar. Then he told us that his does not have an interior helm. What?! OK – I guess we don’t need to see the interior, since that doesn’t meet the criteria of what we think we want. 😉. So we tootled off to the grocery store which was a couple of miles away.

By the time we got back from the store and unloaded, the wind had kicked up to about 20mph. 😳. Dude! We had white caps in the bay and Island Girl was smack flat against the dock. We couldn’t have moved her if we wanted to!

Nevertheless, I put on my swim suit and headed up to the pool. It was warm, afterall! From up at the pool deck I could see a sailboat that had just come in, and he was having a heluvatime getting into his slip. He wanted to back in, but the wind had slammed him into the pilings. He was blasting on his bow-thruster, but every time he let off of it, he slammed back into the pilings and into that poor little hanging dinghy on the other sailboat. He just could not get off the pilings. Finally, after nearly 30 minutes, and no more bow thruster action (probably killed it or it’s battery), enough people got out there with lines from both corners of his stern. He got moved forward just enough that they could pull his stern in and around into the slip. Thank goodness the piling didn’t give way. Whew! What a stressful situation to be in!! 😱

The pool nearly had white caps on it, so I found a spot kind of behind a gazebo to sit in the sun with just a bit of wind. It was actually pretty nice! There were some families with children who were playing in the pool. I only sat on the edge and dangled my legs and feet in the cool water.

This little geranium was sitting right next to me, so it received the flower portrait of the day award.

Around 5:00, we decided to take the bikes to dinner. There was a Tiki Bar down the road that sounded like a good place to check out. There actually are a lot of restaurants along the way, but it’s too hard to take pictures when I’m riding! We found the joint and were trying to figure out where to park the bikes, when we spied another couple who had just parked their Lectric Bikes…. exactly like ours!! And the fella had an AGLCA cap on his noggin! We quickly met Karen and Mark from KayDee and they invited us to join them for dinner. Sweet!

This place is huge and looks so fun! Check out those giant tikis! I love it!! I bet they have live music on the weekends, which would be a blast.

We decided to just sit at the bar right along the street. The food, drinks, and company were all 👍 great! We learned that they are from Maderia Beach area, which is in St Petersburg Florida! We’re practically neighbors (when we’re all at our dirt homes).

I saw this sign and thought it was cute… and sometimes seems true. Sometimes don’t you wish the world would just lighten up a bit?
“The problem with the world is that everyone is a few drinks behind.”. Humphrey Bogart.

We sat right there at a table behind the lime green bench. It was a good spot to people watch.

Surprisingly, we stayed until nearly sunset, and we all realized we needed to ride back to the marina before dark. So off we all went, but I did stop at a nice spot for a sunset picture. This is looking at the bridge over the Patuxent River, and made for a pretty sunset shot.

Here were our travels today. There isn’t much that is not on the one main road around here. The red ride was up to the grocery store, and the blue ride was down to the Tiki Bar.

Oh – and then we got to listen to the Patuxent Naval Air Station jets do some night maneuvers. Really? The jets waited until dark to do about a dozen fly-bys. Wow they were loud! The NAS is just across the Patuxent to the south of the Solomons Island southern point. At least both the jets and the wind calmed down by around 10:30, and all was peaceful for sleeping.
Tomorrow we will leave Solomons. I double checked the weather, and there are no rogue wind storms forecasted to create Small Craft Advisories tomorrow! 🙅‍♀️ Wind should be fairly calm, which is good, because we are headed north up the Chesapeake, and across to the Eastern side again to a little out-of-the-way town called Cambridge.

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