Day 22-Lazy day on Lady’s Island

Saturday, April 10, 2021.
Weather: Temp: 74/63, Humidity: 96/66%, Top Wind: S21 mph, Precip: some rain, Miles Traveled: Only 8400 steps


It was a sleep-in day, and a good day to stay in port, since it got a bit windy today. We didn’t have much of a plan today. It wasn’t until about noon that we discovered that there was a WAFFLE HOUSE nearby! 😳. We knew that we wanted to have an early dinner at the nearby Dockside restaurant, so we passed up the waffle opportunity since we didn’t want to be stuffed before dinner.

We did take a walk to see what was nearby, and to pick up just a couple of things at the grocery store. We found a hardware store along the way, and it was amazing. Grayco Hardware had everything from fencing to fishing gear, Columbia sportswear to coffee makers, tents to toasters, anchors to ant killer. We found some grommets to install on Stuart Peezee’s cover so that we can cinch it down to try to keep the wind from blowing up his bloomers. And, hopefully to keep his cover from turning into a swimming pool when it rains.
On down the road, we stopped at a liquor store. It was interesting: one room of it was low alcohol (beer, hard seltzers, mixers; there was a separate room for wine; and another room for hard spirits. Kenny didn’t find anything special, but I picked up a bottle of Pusser’s Rum for painkillers. We checked out a bakery, but it was more like a quiche and quick bread place rather than donuts, so no purchases there. Then we found the homemade ice cream store, but they only had six flavors available, none of which sounded good to us, so on to the Publix grocery store. While there, I realized that I was out of coconut syrup for painkillers, and couldn’t find any. Dang! Back to the liquor store since they had a huge selection of everything. And look what else they had!? I saw the bartender at Moon River in Savannah use this same squirts strawberry puree. Might as well give it a try! (Not in the painkiller…. in some other fruity concoction yet to be devised.)

Back to the boat to just hang out for awhile. We headed up to the restaurant at 5:00 for an early dinner. Our dockmaster told us that we’d want to make reservations here because they are always super busy, but … they don’t take reservations. So we put our name and phone number on the list, for a two hour wait. 🥴. But hey – no problem! We’ll just wander back down to the boat and have cheap pre-dinner painkillers! This is looking at the restaurant from the boat, so it isn’t far!

I set my alarm for one hour, and guess what?! Just as we finished our drinks, the alarm went off, and they called within five minutes telling us a table was ready. I’m glad they called rather than just sending a text, so I could tell them we’d be a few minutes coming up from the marina. Whew! It is a casual, very busy place. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen tables be bussed clean so fast as here! Yes – there is an upside down boat complete with motor hanging in the rafters.

They have a great menu, and top on Kenny’s list was to try their ‘she-crab-soup’. He remembers how awed he was when he tried it for the first time in Georgetown SC on our first loop. So he ordered a cup. It was thick and creamy good, like clam chowder, just a different flavor since its crab. True she-crab-soup should include female crab roe, and a touch of dry sherry, so the flavors are really yummy. It was good, but he thought it was not as good as his Georgetown memory. (We’ll check that place out again later this week.)

I ordered the shrimp and scallops piccata which was excellent. Kenny had the stuffed flounder which he said was ok.

It rained just a bit while we were eating, and then we had this beautiful fiery sky on our walk back to the boat.

And that was it for Lady’s Island. Not a terribly exciting place. I would recommend boaters stay in the Beaufort marina when they come through here. The town of Beaufort is fun and historical, with some really beautiful old homes, lots of restaurants and the waterfront park is really nice. It is much quieter here (except when the Fillin Station has live music), and there’s not much to see. One benefit here is that the water is much calmer -not as much current or passing boat traffic that is experienced on the main ICW where the Beaufort marina is located.

Tomorrow we have a long day to go to Charleston. There are places where we need high tide water, and it looks like the timing will work out perfectly for us. Fingers crossed!

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